Willcam's Comprehensive HTML Cross Reference

Complete Index of HTML Tags

This complete index of tags is arranged alphabetically by tag. Each tag is a link that leads to a description of the tag and its syntax. If you'd prefer less detail, try the compact index that lists each tag without its descriptive name. Four other indexes are available that list tags according to the standards they support.

Willcam's Comprehensive HTML Cross Reference was created as a service to the Internet community, and forms part of Willcam's Internet and HTML curriculum. It represents a joint effort of The Willcam Group and Gregory Consulting and is Copyright 1995 and 1996, The Willcam Group Limited. Please report any errors or omissions to Kate Gregory.

  <!-->         Comment

&lt; Escape Sequences
<A> Anchor
<ABBREV> Abbreviation
<ACRONYM> Acronym
<ADDRESS> Address
<APPLET> Java Applet
<AREA> Area
<AU> Author
<AUTHOR> Author
<B> Bold
<BANNER> Banner
<BASE> Base
<BASEFONT> Base Font
<BGSOUND> Background Sound
<BIG> Big Text
<BLINK> Blink
<BLOCKQUOTE> Block Quote
<BQ> Block Quote
<BODY> Body
<BR> Line Break
<CAPTION> Caption
<CENTER> Center
<CITE> Citation
<CODE> Code
<COL> Table Column
<COLGROUP> Table Column Group
<CREDIT> Credit
<DEL> Deleted Text
<DFN> Definition
<DIR> Directory List
<DIV> Division
<DL> Definition List
<DT> Definition Term
<DD> Definition Definition
<EM> Emphasized
<EMBED> Embed
<FIG> Figure
<FN> Footnote
<FONT> Font
<FORM> Form
<FRAME> Frame
<FRAMESET> Frame Set
<H1> Heading 1
<H2> Heading 2
<H3> Heading 3
<H4> Heading 4
<H5> Heading 5
<H6> Heading 6
<HEAD> Head
<HR> Horizontal Rule
<I> Italic
<IFRAME> Frame - Floating
<IMG> Inline Image
<INPUT> Form Input
<INS> Inserted Text
<ISINDEX> Is Index
<KBD> Keyboard
<LANG> Language
<LH> List Heading
<LI> List Item
<LINK> Link
<LISTING> Listing
<MAP> Map
<MARQUEE> Marquee
<MATH> Math
<MENU> Menu List
<META> Meta
<MULTICOL> Multi Column Text
<NOBR> No Break
<NOFRAMES> No Frames
<NOTE> Note
<OL> Ordered List
<OVERLAY> Overlay
<P> Paragraph
<PARAM> Parameters
<PERSON> Person
<PLAINTEXT> Plain Text
<PRE> Preformatted Text
<Q> Quote
<RANGE> Range
<SAMP> Sample
<SCRIPT> Script
<SELECT> Form Select
<SMALL> Small Text
<SPACER> White Space
<SPOT> Spot
<STRIKE> Strikethrough
<STRONG> Strong
<SUB> Subscript
<SUP> Superscript
<TAB> Horizontal Tab
<TABLE> Table
<TBODY> Table Body
<TD> Table Data
<TEXTAREA> Form Text Area
<TEXTFLOW> Java Applet Textflow
<TFOOT> Table Footer
<TH> Table Header
<THEAD> Table Head
<TITLE> Title
<TR> Table Row
<TT> Teletype
<U> Underlined
<UL> Unordered List
<VAR> Variable
<WBR> Word Break
<XMP> Example